Resources for data protection professionals.

Data protection

Data-Subject Rights under GDPR v.2.0

In January 2018, I created and published a document on LinkedIn that summarizes the most important considerations for properly managing data subject rights in accordance with the GDPR. The v. 1.0 was downloaded by 5,000+ LinkedIn users!

I received very positive feedback from many of you, expressing how useful this resource is in your work. Thanks to your suggestions and comments, I have continued improving this table and am now happy to share its version 2.0.

Download the v.2.0 full package

Zip file with PDF and Excel versions (481Ko)
Available languages: EN | FR | ES

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Key terms in the NIS2 Directive

The NIS2 Directive establishes measures that aim to achieve a high common level of cybersecurity accross the EU. It has entered into force on 16 January 2023.

The following table provides a list of the key terms included in the NIS2 Directive.

Download the document

Zip file with PDF versions (327Ko)
Available languages: EN | FR | ES

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